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Home » WJO Committee » Master Jake Ogden – MSc, Cert.Ed, FIGM, WHoF, CUBS, IIST

Master Jake Ogden – MSc, Cert.Ed, FIGM, WHoF, CUBS, IIST

Founder and President of the WJO

8th Degree Black Belt

  • Fellow of the International Guild of Masters (FIGM)
  • Fellow of the World Martial Arts Council (FWMAC)
  • Member of the World Martial Arts Council Technical Board
  • World Martial Arts Hall of Fame Inductee (2011)
  • London International Martial Arts Hall of Fame Inductee (2013)
  • Martial Arts Illustrated Hall of Fame Inductee (2013)
  • Martial Arts Illustrated ‘Fighters’ Hall of Fame (2014)
  • Martial Arts Illustrated Gold Awards Lifetime Achievement Hall of Fame (2015)
  • Warriors Assemble British Martial Arts Awards Inductee (2016)

Master Jacob D. Ogden was born in Northampton, England. At the age of eight, he took up Martial Arts in the forms of traditional Kung Fu (Lee Chuan Fa) and Judo. Jake was also a talented rugby player who by the age of sixteen was combining his daily martial arts training with playing professional rugby at an international level.  Jake switched rugby codes and moved to Manchester to sign a professional contract with Salford Red Devils RLFC, whilst he continued to practice martial arts, he also practiced boxing at the famous Pheonix gym in Salford in his spare time. Four years later Jake returned to Northampton to sign with Northampton Saints RUFC. The following year he retired from rugby through injury, which allowed him to concentrate on his martial arts again full-time where he went on to become 3 x British Kickboxing champion, World Karate Champion, British Kung Fu Champion, and World Open Martial Arts Champion.

Jake holds a Master’s (MSc) Degree in Security Management from Liverpool John Moores University, as well as graduating from Cardiff University in law (CUBS), the University of Leicester in Sports Management, and the University of Northampton in Education & Teaching.

Jake lectured for many years at two of England’s leading sports universities and continues to speak/lecture at universities and specialist institutions throughout the U.K, Europe, and the U.S.

Jake has worked as a close protection operative (CPO) with specialist royal protection units and advised MPs, elite athletes, global music artists, and business executives on personal safety, and has acted as an expert witness in criminal and civil cases.

Jake formulated the Jado Kuin Do personal safety system based on his own philosophical and scientific concepts, which he started teaching to a small ‘closed-door’ group of family and friends. However, it wasn’t until 2004 that he decided to teach Jado Kuin Do publicly and opened the first ‘open door’ Jado Kuin Do martial arts school, which within eighteen months boasted over 250 students training weekly. Presently, multiple schools open yearly, taking Jado Kuin Do to an ever-growing group of people from all walks of life.

Jake holds Black Belts/Sashes in 7 different martial arts disciplines and has trained with and gained insight and knowledge from many elite masters and grandmasters, such as Grand Master Samuel Kwok, Bill ‘Super Foot’ Wallace, (the late) Joe Lewis, Sifu Kwoklyn Wan, Tim Tackett, Grand Master Dr. Yuree, Master Morris Young, and Grand Master Ronnie Green. Jake was also a ‘closed-door’ elite student of Tuhon Pat O’Malley in weapons training and CQC and was the first original disciple and Black Sash of the Rapid Fire Ip Man Wing Chun system. Jake has also studied internal Chinese martial arts for over 35 years and underwent ‘Baishi’ with Grand Master Dan Docherty in Tai Chi, Qigong, and Neigong.

In 2011 Jake was inducted into the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame, and then in 2013 was inducted into both the London International Hall of Fame and the Martial Arts Illustrated Hall of Fame for contribution to martial arts. In 2014 Jake was inducted into the Fighters MAI Hall of Fame, and in 2015 inducted into the Martial Arts Illustrated Gold Lifetime Hall of Fame. In 2016 Jake went on to receive a Master of the Year Award and the Top Martial Arts Organisation Award selected by Warriors Assemble  British Martial Arts Awards.



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